Singha Durbar is a 13-episode television drama series portraying collaborative leadership and good governance. The show tells the story of the inner-workings of the seemingly impenetrable central government of Nepal, humanizing the country’s politicians and creating role models for an inclusive, transparent and collaborative leadership style.
Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests.
It is said that ‘Each and every episodes has been thoroughly researched and covers issues that touch the lives of the Nepali people from climate change to healthcare.’ Singha Durbar features renowned Nepali actress Gauri Malla as Nepal’s first female Prime Minister, and features supporting stars such as Bhintuna Joshi as the prime minister’s secretary and Alok Thapa as a blogger.
The 13-episode TV series is funded by USAID and is produced by Search for Common Ground Nepal, along with production partner Mila Productions will air on Nepal Television every Sunday evening at 8:50 p.m. beginning November 15.
Watch Here, Singha Durbar Trailer, Nepal's First Female Prime Minister to TV Screen